The Bathurst 1000, The Great Race

The Bathurst 1000, The Great Race

In the US perhaps the greatest motor race is the Daytona 500. It combines big stock cars with big and beautiful sounding V8 engines roaring around a track with an earthy thundering that just draws you…


Cartridges of the World by Frank C Barnes

Cartridges of the World by Frank C Barnes

Back in the early seventies I read Frank C Barnes “Cartridges of the World” from cover to cover. It got me started in cartridge collecting, it helped me get started in reloading, and it gave me…


Trophy Hunter in Asia by Elgin Gates

Trophy Hunter in Asia by Elgin Gates

I gave away my copy of Elgin Gates “Trophy Hunter in Asia” many years ago when I was moving to Asia with my family and had to make some hard decisions about my hunting and shooting…


1930 Chris-Craft 26′ Model 111 Runabout “Muse”

1930 Chris-Craft 26′ Model 111 Runabout “Muse”

By Posted on 1min read

This stunningly beautiful Chris-Craft Model 111 was once owned by Charles S Pearce who was president of the merged Colgate and Palmolive Peet Corporations, and who was also an alumnus of the University of Wisconsin Alumni…


Rokon Trail Breaker for Hunters

Rokon Trail Breaker for Hunters

Motorcycles are fun, they’re fun to ride and fun to tinker with. However, I discovered a while back that they’re not so much fun the first time your son tells you “Hey Dad, I just bought…


Wilson Cartridge Case Trimmer

Wilson Cartridge Case Trimmer

By Posted on 4min read

If you get into rifle shooting for accuracy, be it for target matches such as the Australian Field Rifle or Three Positional Scoped Rifle matches, or for Benchrest competition, you are going to want to put…


Ka-Bar, the US Marine Corps Knife

Ka-Bar, the US Marine Corps Knife

By Posted on 3min read

I was first introduced to the Ka-Bar USMC knife on a police bushcraft and survival training course and it impressed me so much it took me less than a week after the course to go and…


EAW Rifle-scope Mounts

EAW Rifle-scope Mounts

The telescopic sight we put on a rifle and depend on so we can place our shot with the precision that open sights cannot provide is a potentially delicate thing. Rifle-scopes are made to be rugged…


A Tale of Two Holsters

A Tale of Two Holsters

My first formal training in shooting was with pistols at a club that only shot the Olympic matches Free Pistol, Rapid Fire Pistol, Air Pistol, and the other related ones Center-fire Match and Standard Pistol. The…


Japanese Kitchen Knives by Masakage

Japanese Kitchen Knives by Masakage

By Posted on 3min read

In mainland China there is a saying “Done is better than perfect”. It is an attitude that tends to be reflected in the quality of typical Chinese made goods; the price may be low but the…
