The Hornady Lock-N-Load® technology is a simple yet significant improvement in classic reloading press design. Reloading presses in past years required the operator to manually adjust the reloading dies being installed into the press. This had to be done the first time any die was to be used in the press. With the Hornady Lock-N-Load® system the dies still have to be set up the first time they are used but, once set up in the Lock-N-Load® die bushing they can be removed and interchanged with ease. It’s one of those ideas that is so simple that it makes one wonder why it hadn’t been thought of before. So whether you are loading for one calibre and need to simply switch from full length resizing die to bullet seating die, or if you load multiple calibres this simple feature makes life easier in a way that does not compromise accuracy or reliability. An added bonus in purchasing and using Hornady reloading equipment is that it is, as I understand it, made in the USA, making quality control easier, and providing work opportunities for people in the USA, both of which are important.
Hornady sell their Lock-N-Load presses either separately or as kits so you can almost just take the box home and be producing quality reloads by the evening. The kits are complete except for the actual reloading dies, which are calibre specific and therefore can’t be included in a kit, and the components you are actually going to reload, the cases, primers, powder and bullets.
If you are starting out in reloading then one of these Hornady Lock-N-Load® kits is pretty certain to be one of the best possible starting points for you. Not only is the equipment of the best quality, but the instructions and support provided are second to none.
Hornady Lock-N-Load® Classic Kit (Item Number: 085003)
The contents of this kit are as follows:-
- Lock-N-Load Classic single-stage press
- Lock-N-Load Powder Measure
- Electronic Scale
- Powder Trickler
- Funnel
- The 9th Edition Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading
- Three Lock-N-Load Die Bushings
- Primer Catcher
- Positive Priming System
- Hand-Held Priming Tool
- Universal Reloading Block
- Chamfering and Deburring Tool
- Primer Turning Plate
- One Shot Case Lube
All that would be needed to become fully functional is a set of dies for the calibre you are going to reload for, and the components. The die sets available from Hornady cover both US and European standard calibres. you’ll find the complete listing from Hornady in English if you click here. Of interest is that such European calibres as the 6.5×57, 6.5×68 and 7×64 Brenneke amongst others are listed which is excellent, although I note that Germany’s answer to the 375 H&H, the 9.3×64 Brenneke, is not. This is not a problem however as the Hornady Lock-N-Load® bushings accept standard reloading dies so you can purchase dies from other manufacturers to use in your Hornady Lock-N-Load® press if you wish.
You will find the Hornady Lock-N-Load® Classic Kit (Item Number: 085003) on Hornady’s web site if you click here.
You can purchase the Classic kit from Brownells if you click here.
You can also find the Hornady Classic kit on Amazon.
Hornady provide the instructions to use their reloading kits on-line and you will be able to appreciate the easy to understand thoroughness of their instructions if you click here.
Hornady Lock-N-Load® Classic Kit Deluxe (Item Number: 085010)
The Hornady Lock-N-Load® Classic Kit Deluxe offers a few more items that I think make it a more complete reloading solution.
The contents of this kit are:
- Lock-N-Load Classic single stage press
- Lock-N-Load Powder Measure
- Digital Scale
- Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading
- Primer Catcher
- Positive Priming System
- Handheld Priming Tool
- Universal Reloading Block
- Chamfering and Deburing Tool
- Powder Trickler and Funnel
- One Shot Case Lube
- Three Lock-N-Load Die Bushings
- Sure-Loc Lock Ring 6 Pack
- Powder Measure Stand
- Shellholder Pack 1,2,5,16,35
- Kinetic Bullet Puller
- Lock-N-Load OAL (Overall Length) Gauge Straight
- Vintage Tin Sign
- Pistol Rotor & Metering Assembly
- Steel Dial Caliper
You will find this kit on Hornady’s website if you click here.
You will find the Classic DeLuxe kit at Brownells if you click here.
You can also purchase this kit from OpticsPlanet, or Amazon.
One essential item missing from both kits is a cartridge case trimmer and that is an item a reloader will need to acquire early in their reloading career.
As someone who is interested in precision rifle shooting and reloading I think I would buy the Plain Jane Classic Kit but then also buy the Hornady Lock-N-Load® Precision Reloaders Accessory Kit. That provides what you need to get into creating rifle cartridges that will shoot just as accurately as your rifle is capable.
Hornady Lock-N-Load® Precision Reloaders Accessory Kit (Item Number: 095150)
The contents of the Hornady Lock-N-Load® Precision Reloaders Accessory Kit is as follows:
- Concentricity Tool
- Cam Lock Trimmer
- Cam Lock Power Adapter
- Lock-N-Load OAL Gauge Curved
- Lock-N-Load Comparator Set
- Lock-N-Load Headspace Kit
- Lock-N-Load Case Prep Trio
- Steel Dial Caliper
This contents provides an excellent reloading bench set up for precision rifle reloading.
You will find the Hornady Lock-N-Load® Precision Reloaders Accessory Kit on the Hornady website if you click here.
You can purchase the kit from OpticsPlanet, or Amazon.
When purchasing the necessary dies to go with your reloading kit it is valuable to remember that Hornady makes Match Grade and Custom grade rifle dies and their Custom Grade bullet seating dies come with an all important “in-line” bullet seating system so that the bullet and case are aligned before the bullet is seated. You will find information on these on Hornady’s web site if you click here.
You will find the page with full information about Hornady’s reloading dies if you click here.
Hornady make some of the best reloading tools available in the world today. If you are thinking of beginning in reloading or upgrading to premium grade equipment then their website is one you owe it to yourself to visit.
You will find Hornady’s 2015 catalogue if you click here.
You can also find the catalogue in French, German, Italian and Spanish if you click here.

Jon Branch is the founder and senior editor of Revivaler and has written a significant number of articles for various publications including official Buying Guides for eBay, classic car articles for Hagerty, magazine articles for both the Australian Shooters Journal and the Australian Shooter, and he’s a long time contributor to Silodrome.
Jon has done radio, television, magazine and newspaper interviews on various issues, and has traveled extensively, having lived in Britain, Australia, China and Hong Kong. His travels have taken him to Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan and a number of other countries. He has studied the Japanese sword arts and has a long history of involvement in the shooting sports, which has included authoring submissions to government on various firearms related issues and assisting in the design and establishment of shooting ranges.