Not everyone is a perfectionist but some have perfectionist tendencies. The Japanese as a nation tend to be perfectionists which is why their camera optics and their swords are second to none. Likewise the Germans are…
Our ears were designed before guns were so they tend not to cope with gunshots terribly well. As a result many if not most people who get involved in the shooting sports finish up with some…
For the person who thinks they’ve got it all I can pretty much guarantee that they don’t have one of these. Most people just have a popcorn machine at home, some who are more “modern” have…
The pinball machine was invented in the 1700’s and in 1869 after the end of the American Civil War the spring launcher for the little metal balls was invented. From there on in the pinball machine…
Except for shotgun cartridges I much prefer ammo pouches for carrying ammunition in the field. Keeping the ammo out of sight and safely stored in a belt mounted wallet has always seemed preferable, partly because it…
Bottle openers and pens made from fired cartridges are nice conversation pieces and no doubt many of us own, or have owned such items. Those of us who enjoy an occasional cigar need an ash tray…