Introduction Although I started shooting seriously back in 1971 and am a keen shooter today, there was a two decade long hiatus in my opportunities to shoot and to go hunting caused by a need to…
History The 450/400 3″ Nitro Express is a cartridge that not so many people write about, probably for the same reason that you don’t hear a lot about the 9.3×62 either: they are quiet achievers. The…
Introduction The 9.3×62 is a caliber that is common in Europe, well known in Africa, especially in countries that were once German colonies, and quite uncommon in the United States. In Europe almost, if not all,…
Introduction The .416 Taylor is one of those cartridges that started out as a wildcat back in the golden era of wildcatting which lasted from the 1950’s up into the 1970’s. Created by American wildcatter Bob…
Depending on your hunting experience, many will not really see the point in a powerful handgun cartridge. For me the changeover point came whilst pig shooting where we had a mob of pigs retreat into really…
British gunmaker Westley Richards is one of the most highly respected, not only in Britain but in the world. Westley Richards guns tend to be treasured by those who own them, and their web magazine “The…