Introduction Its not often you get to handle a rifle that is worth as much as a house, it happened to me exactly once, and the rifle concerned once belonged to a royal family. The rifle’s…
Introduction: The Winchester Model 70, an American Icon The Winchester Model 70 was, and still is, a different rifle for different people. For some it represents one of, if not the greatest American rifles ever created…
Introduction: So What Kind of Rifle Is This? Verney-Carron are famous for their superb double rifles which feature an innovative double under-locking system that obviates the need for a top extension, and thus leaves the breech…
The British have a bit of a long and unhappy history of banning things to “solve” problems and the 500/465 Nitro Express was the result of just such a ban. In 1905 the British Government banned…
The post-war period of the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s was the heyday of hunting rifle, and hunting rifle cartridge development. Among the prominent names associated with this period are the likes of P.O. Ackley, Roy Weatherby,…
One of the important things one should do as a shooter who is also a parent is to introduce your children to shooting in a fun but disciplined way from the earliest practical age. That earliest…