I gave away my copy of Elgin Gates “Trophy Hunter in Asia” many years ago when I was moving to Asia with my family and had to make some hard decisions about my hunting and shooting…
If you get into rifle shooting for accuracy, be it for target matches such as the Australian Field Rifle or Three Positional Scoped Rifle matches, or for Benchrest competition, you are going to want to put…
The telescopic sight we put on a rifle and depend on so we can place our shot with the precision that open sights cannot provide is a potentially delicate thing. Rifle-scopes are made to be rugged…
As a parent and a firearms aficionado, as my children grew to an age where they could manage to learn to shoot it was important to me that they learn about firearms, about firearms safety, and…
Mannlicher Schöenauer sporting rifles have a particular fascination for aficionados of European rifles. Among these were the American writer Ernest Hemingway and a professional ivory hunter WDM “Karamojo” Bell. The original Mannlicher Schöenauer rifle action was…