The story of the Parker brothers begins well before the American Civil War. Charles Parker was involved in manufacturing by the 1830’s and opened his first factory in 1834. At that stage they were not yet…
LifeCard Credit Card Size Pistol
The LifeCard is a new concept in handguns currently not yet in full production. The device is essentially a highly concealable little single shot .22lr folding handgun that is about the length and width of a…
Talbot-Lago T26 Record Cabriolet by Antem
The story of the Talbot-Lago T26 began during the dark days of the Second World War in Nazi German occupied France. The failing Talbot company had been hit by the Great Depression like so many others…
“Spectre” Land Rover Defender SVX
Have you ever wondered why villains seem to fascinate people more than heros? Why is there this human fascination with wickedness? After all we don’t like it if someone is wicked to us. The same phenomenon…
Browning CCS25 Double Rifles
Choosing the hunting rifle that’s best for you will be a very individual decision. I’m one who tends towards ensuring that each of my hunting rifles is as similar as possible in operation and in feel….
Rolls-Royce Phantom I Riviera
People tend to have different tastes in their motor cars. Some want a car that is a full blooded sports performer, a car that can be a bit of a handful, a car that’s a bit…