Although we tend to think of double rifles as being heavy caliber dangerous game stoppers, in reality the British and sportsmen on the Continent simply considered the double rifle as being the arm of a gentleman…
The Browning BAR Mark II Safari is a well respected semi-automatic rifle, in fact to describe it as “well respected” is understating the case, it is a “much loved” and sought after rifle. Of the various…
Introduction The .416 Taylor is one of those cartridges that started out as a wildcat back in the golden era of wildcatting which lasted from the 1950’s up into the 1970’s. Created by American wildcatter Bob…
Straight Pull Rifles: Background Although straight pull rifles have been around for well over a century they have only tended to really become popular in Europe, and not the United States, Canada, Africa or Australia. American…
History Heym began making firearms back in 1865 and by 1891 they had advanced to the point where they became the first manufacturer to patent a design for a hammerless drilling (i.e. three barreled gun). That…
Most people have heard of a sidelock action and a boxlock action for a double barrel rifle or shotgun: but not everyone has heard of a droplock action. The droplock action was created and patented by…