The four bore rifle was the largest shoulder fired rifle ever made. These were the dangerous game stopping rifles of the black powder era although they were on the large side even for that. The more…
Back when I began shooting seriously in 1971 I sought out whatever I could to learn what to do and how to do it. Four and a half decades later I’m still doing that. Learning to…
Lester Osborn Bauska passed away on 11th November 2011, leaving behind him a legacy of some of the best rifle barrels, and some of the nicest custom rifles you could buy. Les had spent some time…
Back in the days when I started hunting and shooting we used the only available range-finders we had – our eyeballs. If you planned to shoot your high powered rifle out beyond two hundred yards then…
Having done a lot of range shooting especially in field rifle matches I learned the importance of using a sling and using it well quite early. It naturally followed that I would also learn to apply…
You don’t have to be a competitive bench rest shooter to want to get near bench rest rifle accuracy from your hunting rifle. However, when we are reloading for a hunting rifle we have to make…