When I was young I understood the fascination of sports cars and all the adrenaline pumping excitement they provide. I did a racing driver’s course for a few months to get track and rally experience, until…
I’ve long had a penchant for the the Lee-Enfield. I grew up in England and a .303 Lee-Enfield was the first rifle I ever fired. As I recall I was about eight years old and my…
An Aston Martin that was designed by an Italian would have to be an exciting car to drive, and the Aston Martin Ulster of 1934-1936 was exactly that. Aston Martin Ulsters can be found with both…
The Mercedes-Benz 540 K (1936-1944) was the next stage of development of the 500 K (1934-1936), and thus a development of the legendary SSK. Both these cars were designed by Friedrich Geiger who later came to…
Daimler whose factory was located in Stuggart, and Mercedes with their factory in Mannheim, joined together in 1926 to create Daimler-Benz A.G. To affirm this new partnership the new logo of the three pointed star surrounded…
Christmas is a time when we are called to remember that God sent His only begotten Son to give His life for each of us. God is love, and Jesus defined that love saying “Greater love…