Many will ask the perfectly sensible question “Why would you want a rifle in a pistol caliber?” But going back in time one of Ruger’s past carbines in a pistol caliber, a Ruger .44 Magnum Carbine,…
The BSA Martini International was created in 1950 as an improved version of the original small Martini action found on .22lr small bore target rifles and also in slightly different form on the Australian .310 Cadet…
Although we’re used to the name Leica being associated with top quality optics but at rather high prices it is refreshing to see their introduction of the new Leica ER 5 series of riflescopes which provide…
The Winchester Model 1873 was one of the most successful of Winchester’s lever action rifles and is another of the arms that have been given the title “The gun that won the west” although of course…
Roger Rule is the author of what is perhaps the definitive book on “The Rifleman’s Rifle” the Winchester Model 70 1936-1963. Not only that but he has had a life career that has included service with…
The Browning BAR sporting rifle is not the same as the John Moses Browning BAR of World War I fame. The BAR sporting rifle is a design that was created with the input of Val Browning’s…