You don’t have to be a competitive bench rest shooter to want to get near bench rest rifle accuracy from your hunting rifle. However, when we are reloading for a hunting rifle we have to make…
One day I was carrying a Mauser 77 rifle. The Mauser was fitted with a Zeiss Diavari rifle-scope in EAW quick detachable pivot mounts and I was carrying the rifle by the rifle scope as is…
As those who have read Revivaler from it’s early days will know I have a real soft spot for Mannlicher-Schönauers of all descriptions and persuasions. I’m in good company mind you, Ernest Hemmingway was another Mannlicher-Schönauer…
The Krieghoff double rifle up for sale on Cabela’s is a modern day classic chambered for one of the most interesting modern calibres created for double rifles, the 500/416 Nitro Express. The 500/416 Nitro Express is…
The Colt Sauer sporting rifle was a creation by J.P. Sauer in Germany and sold by Colt in the United States and elsewhere such as Britain and Australia. The Colt Sauer was one of a number…
Amongst the more interesting and unique items coming up for auction by Rock Island Auction in February is a sporting rifle by Karl Kormes in 8x68S. Karl Kormes was a gunsmith in Leipzig, Germany, and rifles,…